Course Content

    1. Welcome!

    2. Getting Started

    3. Class Term List

    1. Basic Hoof Anatomy and Function

    2. Basic Hoof Anatomy and Function Slides

    3. Hoof Anatomy Diagrams

    4. Hoof Landmarks and Features

    5. Hoof Landmarks and Features Slides

    6. Ideal Hoof Balance and Distortion

    7. Ideal Hoof Balance and Distortion Slides

    8. Limb Conformation and Movement

    9. Limb Conformation and Movement Slides

    10. Thrush, Abscesses, and White Line Disease

    11. Thrush, Abscesses, and White Line Disease Slides

    1. Posture and Conformation

    2. Posture and Conformation Slides

    3. High Low Syndrome

    4. High Low Syndrome Slides

    5. High/Low Syndrome Acupressure Points

    1. Documentation of the Hoof and Posture

    2. Documentation of the Hoof and Posture Slides

    1. Knowing How Much to Trim Off

    2. Knowing How Much To Trim Slides

    3. Tool Recommendations and Care

    4. Tool Recommendations and Care Slides

    5. The Bevel/Mustang Roll

    6. Balancing Hooves Using Postural Feedback

    7. Tools List - Links

    8. Full Trim - Birdie (Mustang Mare)

    9. Full Trim - Frances (Grade Mare with Conformational Splayed Hooves)

    10. Full Trim - Shylar (QH Mare, Pigeon Toed) - What to do with yanking horses

    11. Full Trim - Big Guy (TB, thin soles, long toes)

    12. Full Trim - Melody (OTTB, thin soles, high low, pigeon toed)

    13. Full Trim - Partee (2 yo filly, flares and long toes)

    14. Full Trim - Whiskey (2 yo filly, butt high/balance issues)

    15. Full Trim - Sweetheart (Older mare, retained sole)

    16. Follow up trim on Birdie

    17. Pulling Steel Shoes to Transition to Barefoot

    1. Hoof Protection and Treatments Slides

    2. Hoof Treatments - Links

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

Begin your hoof journey today